10 Rules for Proper Golf Etiquette
If you travel to Loreto Mexico for a vacation to the city’s premier golf resort, the anticipation of playing on one of the best golf courses in Mexico is intoxicating and thrilling. However, once you’re there playing Loreto golf at TPC Danzante Bay, you want to make sure that you’re a respectful golfer and follow common golf etiquette rules.
Rules for Good Golf Etiquette
1. Keep up the Pace
At the top golf resort in Mexico, there will be plenty of other groups playing through the holes of TPC Danzante Bay, but no matter where in the world you play, it’s important to check your pace and make sure you’re not holding up other golfers’ rounds. Playing a timely game will also get you back to the golf resort in time for sunset and drinks.

2. Play in the Right Order
When you’re on one of the best golf courses in Mexico, you don’t want to make a simple mistake of playing out of turn and disrespecting other golfers. Remember that in golf rules, whoever is furthest from the hole plays first, and whoever wins a hole tees off first on the next one.
3. Maintain the Environment
Respecting the environment of the best golf courses in Mexico or anywhere in the world means leaving the greens and fairways the same way you found them. Replace divots as you go and rake bunkers cleanly when you’re done to keep TPC Danzante Bay looking as spectacular as when you arrived.

4. Don’t Walk on Putting Lines
One of the golden golf rules to follow is to respect putting lines. When you’re on the green, never walk between someone’s ball and the hole. This area is considered sacred and should be respected.
5. Follow Cart Rules
When you play somewhere new, it’s important to check the cart rules and follow them. Different courses may have certain expectations or guidelines, so never assume you know the rules of the course until you’ve checked them. As you enjoy Loreto golf, keep these rules in mind and respect them as you drive through the spectacular course.
6. Look Sharp
One of the unwritten golf rules, although sometimes written, is to dress in proper golf attire, especially for Loreto golf at a luxurious all-inclusive resort. To keep the spirit of the game, make sure you follow dress code, even if Loreto is one of the most relaxing places on earth.

7. Only Spend Five Minutes on Lost Balls
Despite your best attempts during your Baja golf games, it’s likely that you’ll lose a ball or two among the craggy rocks and cliffs or in the water. To keep the game moving and not hold up others who are playing, limit yourself to five minutes of looking for the ball. Beyond that, your chances of finding it are slim. It’s also polite to help others search for theirs as you play rather than stand and watch them.
8. Turn Off Your Phone
While this is a good, relaxing tip for your entire trip, turn your phone off while golfing in Loreto Mexico. Take in the views with your own eyes, and don’t stop the game to check emails. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in the awe-inspiring experience of Baja golf at TPC Danzante Bay.
9. Be a Silent Partner
As much as you’re focused on your own game, be a silent partner and give others the same respect you desire. Their time to tee off isn’t your time to be chatting and swinging clubs. Watch the others in your group silently and refrain from offering unwanted critiques. This will keep the game friendly and make everyone feel like a winner.

10. Never Lose Your Cool
No matter what happens during a game of golf, always keep your cool. Don’t let a bad swing or a lost ball ruin your day. See these as opportunities to challenge yourself and become a stronger player. Losing your temper will only make your game hasty and inaccurate, and it will likely spoil the game for others.
Loreto Mexico is home of the best-designed golf course in the country where you can enjoy endless days of sun and golf. Remembering polite golf etiquette will help ensure that every round of Baja golf at TPC Danzante Bay is smooth, friendly, and incredible.