Best Body Treatments for Golfers: Sabila Spa Golf Massage
In case you haven’t noticed, golf takes a toll on your body. The golf swing is a series of synchronized contortions. The club is swung on an arc. The body coils on the backswing, storing power. It uncoils on the downswing, unleashing the clubhead into the ball with speed and force. With its demands for rotation and compression, the golf swing exerts a lot of pressure on the human frame.
Many parts of the body are called upon to perform the swing, especially on a course that calls for all the shots like TPC Danzante Bay. These include the hands and wrists. The arms and shoulders. The neck. The hips. The legs. And the back, especially the lower back.
Getting into shape for golf is a must, but so is post-round body care. A deep-tissue massage helps to realign the deeper layers of muscle and tissue, breaking down knots or adhesions that limit the range of motion. Using firm pressure and slow strokes, this type of massage is ideal for the kind of aches and pains that golfers typically endure. It’s also good for loosening up contracted areas such as a stiff neck, a sore shoulder, or a balky lower back. Regular deep-tissue massages will keep your muscles elongated, as they need to be to make a free-flowing swing.
Enter the Sabila Spa and Wellness Center at Villa del Palmar at The Islands of Loreto, the deluxe full-service resort set back from the shores of Danzante Bay.
The spa’s brochure promises “A Personalized Journey” in the introduction to its menu of services: “Submerged in healing energy and surrounded by the calming effects of Aloe Vera, the Sábila Spa and Wellness Center will comfort and balance your body while connecting with your inner spirit to bring you to the here and now refreshed and regenerated. By combining what Mother Nature has given us with special healing and rehabilitation techniques, our spa professionals will leave your mind, body, and spirit feeling renewed.”
It’s a wonder that golfers, always looking for an edge, aren’t lined up at the door.
The 80-minute Sabila Spa Golf Massage is a customized treatment designed to enhance a player’s range of mobility. Recommended 48 hours prior to tee time or post-round for maximum results, this deep-tissue massage targets contracted muscles, decreasing tension through the use of trigger point therapy using actual golf balls.
Trigger point therapy, a key feature of the Golf Massage, can ease adhesions (bands of scar-like tissue that form between two surfaces inside the body and cause them to stick together) to improve muscle functioning and prevent injuries. Young bombers with fast swings as well as older players with slower swings stand to benefit.
On the PGA Tour and other competitive tours, there are just as many massage therapists as there are caddies. Golfers who play the game for a living understand that the daily wear and tear on the body can be mitigated with frequent deep-tissue massages. Among the known benefits:
· Increases circulation (and removes metabolic waste that accumulates in the muscles due to the repetitive nature of the golf swing)
· Alleviates stiffness and soreness
· Helps to reduce muscle spasms
· Improves quality of movement
· Improves range of motion, muscle flexibility, joint fluidity
· Decreases anxiety and stress
· Improves mental focus and enhances body awareness
Golf may not be a high-contact sport, but there are still plenty of injuries a golfer can sustain. A golf-specific massage can be an excellent technique for helping with both the healing and prevention of physical setbacks. A Sabila Spa Golf Massage can also be a wonderful way to increase flexibility, an essential ingredient in every good golf swing.
And then there’s the X factor: total relaxation. No sport, but especially golf, can be played at peak performance without a limber body and a relaxed state of mind.
Eighty minutes in the hands of a skilled practitioner at Sabila Spa and Wellness Center will make a believer of even the most skeptical golfer.