How Can Winter Golf Improve My Game?
When it comes to mastering and maintaining a golf game, there is one indisputable truth: If you don’t use it, you lose it. Which is why winter golf may be the most important to keep your game in shape. If you take a few months off, you’re likely to lose your touch and have to start from scratch come spring.
Where should you play or practice golf in the winter?
Obviously, we think coming to TPC Danzante Bay in the Islands of Loreto on Mexico’s Baja Peninsula and enjoying our beautiful and challenging course is the best suggestion. (It may be winter golf to you, but it’s always summer here!) And there are other great ways to keep your game sharp and even improve your golf game this winter.
To keep your golf game tuned up in winter, work on the basics. What are some keys to keeping your game in shape?
How to improve your golf game in winter
If you have time, a good instructor, and the perseverance, you can change your grip or swing; you definitely do not want to be changing major parts of your game mid-season.
Indoor or heated driving ranges can help keep your swing fluid. Practice in front of a mirror, paying close attention to set up, swing plane, and follow through. One-armed drills can be effective, as can comparing your swing positions to those on display in the golf magazines.
Hone your game and your body at the gym. Weights help build strength (consider a weighted practice club, as well), but the gym is also a great place to work on balance, strengthen your core, and—not to be overlooked—improve your flexibility. Bands, stretching cords, even gentle yoga add to the fluidity of your swing and the ability to make a full turn. They’ll also help your post-round recovery.
Chipping and putting around the house can help retain your touch but concentrate on the right things: You want to produce solid contact.
As for honing your mental game, there’s nothing like the warmth, sunshine, and spectacular views of the Sea of Cortez from our golf course to help your winter golf mindset. Then, when spring returns, consider taking a refresher lesson from a PGA professional. You’ll be surprised how much your winter golf can help you the rest of the year.