Fun Facts About TPC Danzante Bay – Mexico’s Best Golf Course
Our award-winning golf course, TPC Danzante Bay, has been recognized by every major golf magazine in the United States, visited by influencers and photographers, and is the recipient of numerous accolades and awards, including the World Golf Award as the Best Course in Mexico (2020).
Yet, despite all its coverage and notoriety, there are still some fun facts and “insider” secrets that still may not be well known. Until now!
Did you know:
1.The spacious practice facility, which features a dedicated short game area, has a beautiful Sea of Cortez view?
2. The expansive nine-hole putting course was inspired by the famed Himalayas putting course in St. Andrews, Scotland.
3. There is an entrance to one of the resort’s three hiking trails just off the road leading to the 17th tee.
4. The golf course is planted in wall-to-wall Paspalum – a high salt and high humidity tolerant turf.
5. The original signature hole on this golf course was #13 before Villa Group owner Owen Perry and golf course architect Rees Jones discussed utilizing the peninsula that today supports the famed 17th hole.
6. The local Cardon Cactus satisfies its water needs by absorbing moisture through its needles rather than through its roots.
7. TPC Danzante Bay and Villa del Palmar Beach Resort & Spa use desalinated water. Nutrients need to be added as the thorough filtering process makes the water too pure to drink.
8. A gallery of roadrunners keeps a close eye on golfers at TPC Danzante Bay. These amazing birds can reach a speed of 42 kilometers per hour.
9. Don’t let close encounters with roadrunners or coyotes surprise you. Keep your eyes open for a wide array of small mammals, including fox, rabbit, bobcat, skunk, badger, raccoon, ring-tailed cat, ground squirrel, chipmunk, gopher, mouse, and an occasional rat.
10. TPC Danzante Bay offers 5 to 6 sets of tees on each hole that allows all golfers plenty of choices and variety in each hole design.
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11. TPC Danzante Bay has several eco-friendly measures in place. When possible, plants were removed during the construction of the course and were transplanted and relocated throughout the golf course to maintain native landscaping. Plants unable to be transplanted were used as compost and reintroduced to the area’s soil.
12. Whales migrate from January through April throughout these rich waters and are a sight to behold. Pods of nursing mothers and playful juveniles may be seen breaching and “spy hopping” to attract the attention of potential mates. Loreto Bay National Marine Bark is the second largest marine park in the world. Blue whales, fin, humpback, orca, pilot and sperm whales have all been spotted.
If we have piqued your interest, check out TPC Danzante Bay’s Unlimited Golf and Spa Package. You may discover some of our own secrets.